Drama on the Subway

At around 10am on Saturday morning a woman had her hand severed by a train entering the Dongzhimen subway stop. According to the Beijing Times (Jinghua Bao) the 53 year-old woman jumped onto the tracks just as the train, coming from the direction of Yonghegong, was pulling into the station. Her right hand was completely severed. She was rushed to a nearby hospital where she received emergency surgery. It's since been reported that the woman is suffering from a mental illness and that the subway has taken responsibility for her medical fees.

The accident caused delays on the number 2 line, with some trains being forced to stop between stations for somewhere in the vicinity of (depending on your choice of newspaper) ten to thirty minutes.

The Beijing Times also reports that subway staff came to the assistance of an Australian woman who fainted on the platform at Xidan on Friday afternoon.

Links and Sources:
The Beijinger Forum: Video: Girl falls and loses arm at Donzhimen Subway today!!
Youku: 实拍: 东直门地铁站女子坠落站台被碾断右臂
Sina: 坠落地铁站台 女子右手轧断
Beijing Times: 患精神病女子跳下地铁被撞伤
ifeng.com: 女子坠轨道被轧断手 北京地铁2号线暂停30分钟
Beijing Times: 地铁员工救助瘫倒老外