Gulou / Beiluoguxiang / Jiugulou Dajie-鼓楼北锣鼓巷旧鼓楼大街


An eclectic boutique that sells cutesy accessories alongside kitsch knickknacks and home decor, including many handmade items. Boutique finds range from sparkly, translucent handbags to decorative milk glass teapots to knitted photo frames and crocheted throw blankets and scarves. Custom orders available.

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Zajia Lab

zajia lab is an interdisciplinary, video and performance art-focused space based in downtown Beijing. The venue, inside the front hall of old Taoist Temple, works as a project space/bar hybrid for different kind of art related activities (Documentary and independent films screening, audio/visual projects, performance art, experimental theatre and creative projects included contemporary art site specific exhibitions). Zajia lab is committed to providing a space for experimentation and discussion, as well as exploring alternative modes of working and production.

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The Other Place

This cafe/bar sits quietly in a small courtyard just off of Beiluogu Xiang. With a friendly staff and a decent beer and cocktail menu, it is the perfect place to read and vibe on an interesting music selection, from its proprietor Wu Fei. This venue is also the space for The Other Shop, a retail store specializing in vintage electronics and DJ equipment.

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