Beijing Events

Screening & Installation | 'Phosphene' - '光幻视' 短片放映&装置

Jan 17 20:00 pm - 21:30 pm
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Phosphene - Screening & Installation

by Trent Crawford & Finn Astle

January 17 2018 [Wednesday] 20:00

Beixinqiao Toutiao 67 Beijing

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Definition: The hallucination which occurs behind the eyelids caused by pressure or absence of light.

Primarily a short film, Phosphene is an exploration into screen culture in the modern world. Considering the fact that the average person will spend eight years of their life watching passive devices. Created within this context, Phosphene visualises the screens perspective, translating the thoughts and images it observes. Just as they display to the world, screens also act as mirrors, reflecting the culture and environment they are placed in. The film contrasts the rapid development and modernization of Beijing to the vacant landscapes within Inner Mongolia. The screen works as bridge between the spaces, acting as a portal into the world Phosphene creates. In collaboration with auto space, Melbourne [AUS] based artists Trent Crawford and Finn Astle invite you to experience, question and enjoy this project.

'光幻视' -- 短片放映&装置

Trent Crawford & Finn Astle





'光幻视' 是一部短片作品,探索现代世界的荧幕文化。事实上,每个人一生中平均花在屏幕前的时间为8年。以此为背景,'光幻视' 将屏幕透视化,对观察到的思想和图像进行转译。屏幕本身具有展示功能,同时也犹如一面镜子,反映大众所处的文化与环境。短片对比北京和内蒙古两地差异化的视觉生态:一边是发展迅速的现代化都市,另一边则是空旷的地貌风景。屏幕起到了桥梁的作用,连接着这两个不同的空间;也如一扇门户,通向‘光幻视’创造的世界。本次放映&装置展示由凹凸空间和两位驻澳大利亚的艺术家 Trent Crawford 和 Finn Astle合作,邀请观众一同感受,带着疑问探索,享受此次项目。
