Beijing Events

Hike the Hills in the West of Beijing

Awaiting moderation
May 29 8:00 am - 16:00 pm
Event QR Code
Gucheng subway station (west end of line 1)

Wednesday the 29th at 8:00 AM we are gathering at Gucheng subway station and then hike all the way to Baiwang Shan through the hills in about 6 to 8 hours time. It's a beautiful hike where you have entire Beijning going by on your right side but where you can also be truly in nature and see the most peaceful and authentic parts bordering the city. We will hike over many a hill top, see all the major parks in the west, including the summer palace from above and make our way to the maze of paths that constitutes Baiwang Shan park.

Your guide is from Switzerland, has received several higher educations, is topfit and hopes to share these most beautiful places he got to know in the five years that he stayed in China. Languages spoken: English, Dutch, German, Chinese and a little French.

So far 3 people have comitted to joining but I hope to make this a large international event. So, please join and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

Message to weChat svv3535 if you want to participate

