the Beijinger Mar 2010: Books. Verses. Shelves.

As A.A. Milne said "You cannot tell a man by the lobster he eats, but you can tell something about him by the literature he reads, " so there you go. With that in mind we took a good snoop at some Beijinger's bookshelves and the results were, well, you can find out for yourself in the March issue of the Beijinger.

There's much more inside the magazine than that. For a start there's a cut-out-and-keep Guy Delisle comic (more accurately it's a cut-out-and-fold-into-a-mini-zine-and-keep comic). You don't see those everyday. We've got interviews with Junot Diaz, Benjamin Zephaniah and Steve Connell plus handy advice on getting published for budding writers. There's also a Lu Guang photo essay on pollution in China, drum & bass bad boys The Syndicate and a chat with China's Tom Waits, Zuxiao Zuzhou. All of that and all the regular columns too - Fashion 5-0 tackles geek chic and Inspect-a-gadget casts an eye on e-book readers - plus reviews of the hottest new restaurants and bars.

Next month we turn Milne's quote on it's head with our annual Reader Restaurant Awards issue. Let's see if we can tell something about Beijingers from the lobster that they eat. Until then here's the March issue in full: