Beijing Events

0190, Counterforce, Time Street

Jun 29 21:00 pm - 23:30 pm
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RMB 30

Underground pop-punk trio 0190 are holding a night guessed it, new school pop-punk with their friends!

0190 formed in 2014, and since then have been perfecting their brand of pop-punk by playing all major livehouses throughout Beijing, as well as a tour through western China in late 2015. After gigging around Beijing for the first half of 2016, on this night they hold a special showcase show!

Joining them are melodic punk heavy-weights Counterforce, who formed in 2006 and thereafter called it quits in 2008. Since reforming in 2015, the band has been regaining momentum and has a bright future ahead. Also set to play are indie 8-bit electro rockers Time Street!

Great Wednesday evening of rock n' roll!

RMB 30




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