Beijing Events

Taoist art of living and martial arts

Apr 29 9:30 am - 11:30 am
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50 RMB

Taoist internal alchemy and martial arts.


Heard about Yin Yang , 5 elemnts, 8 trigrams, but never got a clear explanation what they are? Body, mind, spirit connected through internal work and breathing.

听说过阴阳,五行,八卦但一直没人解释清楚到底是什么? 身,心,灵魂通过内功呼吸法合为一体。

Clean your internal organs, strenghten you sinews, explore how your body works and regain the connection with nature.


Wujiquan is an ancient school of taoist arts, which was until recently kept only in a close circle of people. Come and explore the Way with us.


This Saturday we will cover different parts from Wujiquan, like life nourishing exercise, forms, and push hands.
