Beijing Events

A Lovely Night with Susan Wong at Tango

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May 14 21:00 pm -
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"A jazz singer who seeks freedom in rigor, an artist who advocates rational thinking, and a curious animal who constantly asks why." Music is her spiritual food. She learned keyboard, guitar and dance from an early age and never stopped practicing singing. Since graduating from journalism, her work experience in the documentary industry has given her a unique perspective on the art of music.

She explores a rich and varied, very infectious characteristics of the voice and singing methods, able to control a variety of different styles.

She sings songs in Chinese and English, Cantonese, Portuguese, Spanish, French and other languages, pursuing the original musical expression.

"Susan's performance is immersive, sometimes telling, sometimes impassioned, bringing us into the story and into her music world." She has been recognized and praised by many professional musicians and listeners, and is currently active in Beijing's major jazz stages, such as Blue Note , Tango by Ala House, The Bricks , Tokyo Lounge Etc.; He has participated in VIP dinner, Bentley tasting, Italian Embassy Summer Solstice Music Festival and other large-scale activities, performing experience is rich.

She also runs the B channel @ Sutuwang, hoping to open a window for a new generation of young people to feel the charm of jazz in fun - the connotation of jazz is consistent with her growing up experience and values. That is, in the reasonable rules to maximize the pursuit of freedom, to enjoy the unique creative pleasure brought by life.


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