Beijing Events

Panorama & Louis Vuitton

Multiple dates 11:00 am - Toggle calendar
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We are thrilled and delighted to announce that Panorama has been recommended by Louis Vuitton City Guide Beijing 2024

为了庆祝本次荣登Louis Vuitton City Guide Beijing 2024,Panorama经过多轮选材以及尝试,最终决定于5月8日上线新甜味可丽饼 —— Luxury Voyage 优享可丽饼

To celebrate our feature in the Louis Vuitton City Guide Beijing 2024, we are excited to announce the launch of a new sweet crêpe on May 8th - the Luxury Voyage Crêpe

The aromatic and flavorful crêpe, paired with our Exclusive Vanilla Ice Cream, along with our signature Homemade Chocolate and a variety of berries (strawberry, blueberry and raspberry), will surely delight your taste buds with a refreshing taste of French elegance!

不仅如此,活动期间,凡是进店点购Luxury Voyage优享可丽饼并为它拍照,同时发布社交平台,即可获得该可丽饼30%折扣 (2024.5.8 - 6.8)

During the event, customers who order and take a photo with our exclusive Luxury Voyage Crêpe, and share it on social media will be eligible for a 30% discount on the Luxury Voyage Crêpe (From May 8th to June 8th).
