Doesn't honor their promotions

Joined: Oct 29, 2009
Posts: 2

Just went to slow boat for the 25rmb can deal as advertised on their offical wechat, Which states the deal last till 7-9. They told me the deal ended 7-7. I showed the ad but they would not honor it. If you change A promotion you should share it via offical accounts and honor what you publish.

Bunny - Thanks for your feedback. The staff member that talked to you made the decision to stop the promotion early becase we could not keep up with demand. Orders were made by multiple tables for 10-20 cans each. We simply were not prepared for that volume. Please drop in again and we will honor the orginal deal for you. Thank you.

Honestly speaking, I'm a picky ass mofo about food and restaurants. Everything sucks in Beijing. But every single time I've been to Slow Boat SLT, local staff was been great and I say this about nowhere ever (how do they do that?????? except for that one kid in glasses who thinks he's too cool for school, that kid is lame and needs to go), but more importantly the food has been consistently excellent. That is not easy to do anywhere, but especially in BJ with the chabuduo culture.

Maybe the response above was not the best, but hey, if you stop coming, more seats for me, and better yet, no whiney broke people sitting near me who only come because of a coupon.