Yep, staff are still retarded

Joined: Sep 17, 2013
Posts: 228
Review of

enjoying a quiet drink in there with a friend, staff hitting sticks of some sort in a percussive manner behind the bar to keep themselves entertained (with no consideration for patrons). Literally cretinous country bumpkins. Everything good about this place has always been undermined by the lack of staff training

Gotta say I prefer this review of Beersmith, which was tough and critical but didn't resort to be being so outright shitty with the staff. If they need way better training then sure, fire away. But what's with the name calling?

Uh oh, the negative review police have been alerted.

As a laowai, you need to demonstrate that you understand local culture by being prejudiced against people from "the country". It's cool because locals do it too, actually shows how well you fit in here.

Oh FFS, I'm an admin and could delete his comment if I was the "negative review police." What's wrong with debating him if I disagree with his review?

What enthralling point. You're super duper enlightened.

@ xz576 As a laowai I know that it is not okay to play with chopsticks like this in Chinese culture. So, locals should have even more problems with this kinda behavior from a waiter.