China May Submit Jia Zhangke's 'Mountains May Depart' for 2015 Oscar Consideration, 'Wolf Totem' Producer Isn’t Happy

It was presumed that the film Wolf Totem would be China’s Oscar contender for this year’s awards, but at the Toronto Film Festival this week, it was revealed that producers of the Jia Zhangke Mountains May Depart instead. “I’ve heard rumors that Wolf Totem has been confirmed as the representative. But I feel that couldn’t be right. It’s not over until October 1,” Jia told The South China Morning Post, October 1 is the deadline for Oscar consideration. 

Wang Weimin, a producer for Wolf Totem blasted Jia, one of China’s most critically acclaimed film directors, for his last-minute submission of Mountains May Depart this week, The Hollywood Reporter wrote. He expressed his dissatisfaction on Weibo by writing:

"Recently, lots of friends have been calling me, saying that the 'foreign award-winning specialist' is claiming that his film will represent China for the foreign language Oscar ... His movies are so obscure and 'deep' that they don't keep my attention ... I've never finished watching one."

While Jia is praised for his films at festivals abroad, they often receive no recognition in China due to their often intense subject matter. His last film A Touch of Sin received little screen time and was severely chopped by censors.

Weibo users were quick to jump to Jia’s defense.

"This just shows that you're petty, and don't understand international awards," wrote one user.

"I don't think a French director's film can represent China – support Jia Zhangke!" said Sharik Da Ling.
