BRTV Reporter Takes an Inside Look of Xiaotangshan Makeshift Hospital

The following is a transcript of an interview with reporter Yang Yiding from BRTV that aired on the program Life Affections.

Located up in Changping District, Xiaotangshan Makeshift Hospital was established in order to isolate Covid patients with mild symptoms or those who are asymptomatic.

It should be noted that the video in question only shows conditions inside one Covid hopsital. Conditions in other facilities may vary. Watch via this link:

Reporter: I am standing at the entrance of the cleaning area of the isolation ward at Xiaotangshan Makeshift Hospital. We’re about to go inside and follow in the footsteps of the medical staff into the isolation ward.

Narration: In order to avoid cross-infection, all medical workers entering the isolation ward are required to take the most stringent precautions.

Medical Worker #1:I need to be sure to cover everything up.

Narration: Medical workers are required to wear two layers of shoe covers and two layers of protective clothing. They also need to put on a face shield. In addition to that, for the first time ever, a hospital surveillance system was added to the isolation area which... can be used to detect possible paths of infection.  

Isolation Ward Patient: I mostly just exercise three times a day. The doctor told me to take it easy and follow their instructions.

Narration: Each room is not only spacious and bright, but also has an integrated shower room, a phone system connected to to the outside ward, and other facilities.

Medical Worker: Calling now… Please hold. Bed 35, right? Your temperature today is 36 degrees. Feeling alright?

Isolation Ward Patient: Yeah. I am doing great!

Narration: In such a comfortable environment, most patients have adopted a very positive mindset.

Isolation Ward Patient #2: It doesn't feel like living in a hospital at all. I feel more at home now. I've even got a lovely lady to take care of me.

Narration: The arrangements of makeshift hospitals are meant to provide comfort, and families can choose to live together, which ensures patients great convenience and a sense of security.

Isolation Ward Patient #3: My wife is right beside me and she is where my home is.

Isolation Ward Patient #4: We feel very appreciative that people are putting themselves at such great risks to provide the best medical service possible.

Head Nurse: We are here to isolate the virus, not isolate love. We will work hard to ensure the safety of Beijing residents.

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Images: BRTV