Blog Tag - exploring

Make an Afternoon Out of the Baitasi Hutongs
The Baitasi area in Xicheng district is an interesting place. It’s a mishmash of temples – fitting considering the area is named for one – coffee...
Venture into the Unexpected with Greg Abandoned
Along with a great many sites of historical significance, China is also home to a great many abandoned parks, places, airfields, train depots and...
Peking Man Tour: A Fun Historical Adventure for the Whole Family
It’s a chance to play Indiana Jones, or Dora the Explorer – whichever fits your family demographic better – but the Peking Man Tour is, in many an...
Beijing's Other Wall: Exploring What's Left of the Former City Wall
Beijing was once a city of walls and gates. Take Line 2 or Line 7 and you’ll hear the names of some of these gates. In fact, Line 2 runs along a loop...
Dominic De Couto on The Business Of Creating Fun Adventures In Beijing
Starting his career at Nike EHQ, Dominic De Couto had a sudden change in direction after a short phone call from his best mate at Uni. After a year...
Walking the City: A Guide to Exploring Beijing by Foot
Beijing is not a walkable city. In fact, it can be fairly hostile to pedestrians. But that doesn’t mean it lacks interesting places to explore by...
Fun Day Trips to Make the Most of Spring Festival in Beijing: Part 1
If you're stuck in Beijing this Spring Festival, don't just spend it all at home sulking. Get out there and explore the city. Just remember that...
What You Missed While You Were Away (The Good News)
Hey I know it's a rough re-entry to Beijing for those of you who are just returning from two weeks in Bali for Christmas. But hey, life in the Big...