Blog Tag - Ghosts

The Ghost of Stone Tiger Hutong: A Beijing Halloween Tale
Is it possible that even in the neon canyons of Xidan, spirits of Beijing's imperial past still lurk? On a crisp autumn evening in the early years of...
Creatures of Chinese Folklore and Their Foreign Doppelgängers
As you may already know, we have entered the seventh month of the lunar calendar, which is of the month of the ghost according to traditional Chinese...
It's Ghost Month, Time to Get Scared Sh***less
The Ghost Month is the seventh lunar month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar and started this year on Aug 8. In honor of this, we reached out to the...
Updates: Beijing’s Most Haunted House Chaonei 81 Is No Longer Haunted
We can't go a few months without wondering what has become of our favorite 100-year-old Beijing haunted house, 81 Chaoyanmennei Dajie. For those...
Five Spooky Taobao Rear Window Stickers to Help You Horrify Beijing's Drivers
You grip the steering wheel, your knuckles white, eyes widening, breath short, before resisting the urge to stomp on the brakes and literally veer...
Community Matters: New Horror Movie "The House That Never Dies" Spawns Paranormal Interest In Haunted Beijing Landmark
The new Beijing-based horror film The House That Never Dies (Jingcheng No. 81) is bringing visitors, cos players, and ghost enthusiasts from around...
Spooky Beijing: The City's Creepiest Tales
Build on a graveyard, expect a haunting. But hire a leper to be your gatekeeper, and the ghouls will stay away. That’s supposedly what happened at...