Blog Tag - Tianqiao Performing Arts Center

Learn About Beijing Opera and Lao She at This Theatre Event, Mar 12
If you’ve ever wanted to test your acting prowess – and how high your vocals can go – on the Beijing opera stage while learning a little bit about...
Dive into Beijing's Artistic past with Little-Known Xuannan Cultural Museum
Tianqiao area is best known for its vibrant acrobatic and performing art scene and Xuannan Cultural Museum, tucked away inside Changchun Street,...
Events That Won't Leave You Hungover, Jan 2-6
Our Events Watch series aims to highlight happenings that aren't focused on alcohol and drinking, but instead take a more educational or productive...
12-Member-Deep Pink Martini Want to Unite Beijing (and the World) With Music
The US may be more divided politically now than at any time since the 1950s, but a band of multinational, multicultural musicians currently on their...
See the World Differently as a "Curious Incident" Comes to the Beijing Stage, May 24-27
A dead dog might seem an unpromising topic for a play. But for 15-year-old Christopher, who sees the world differently, the mystery of who killed his...
Mime Flies with "Revelatory and Thrilling" Teatro Delusio, December 21-24
One of the challenges for international touring companies presenting theater in China is the question of language. However, this is no problem for...
A Tale of Corruption and Greed: Moliere’s Classic 'The Miser' Resonates With Chinese Audiences, Jun 30-Jul 1
A 300-year-old French comedy has been winning laughs and plaudits on its Chinese tour, proving that its themes of financial greed and the corrupting...
Be Transported to an Enchanted World by 1927’s and Komische Oper Berlin’s The Magic Flute at Tianqiao Performing Arts Center, Jul 21-23
Be prepared to experience Mozart’s fairytale opera The Magic Flute (Chinese) as you have never seen it before. British theater group 1927 and Barrie...
Isabelle Huppert
Isabelle Huppert, a bona fide movie legend, has been nominated for a César Award, the French equivalent of the Oscars, more often than any other...