Blog Tag - Weibo

How Much Is Your Girlfriend Worth? A New Chinese Scoring System Tells You
A very helpful Chinese netizen has posted a rubric online that assigns value to various attributes of a good (or bad) girlfriend. And wouldn’t you...
Weibo Roundup: Points to Lose, Metro-Blogging and Traveling Portraits
Weibo users may want to watch what they post ... now that a new point system will penalize them for certain behavior. Meanwhile, some recent...
While You Were Sweeping: Holiday Hacking and Comments
Beijing may have quieted down a bit over the Tomb-Sweeping Festival – except for the jam-packed tourist locations – but the Chinese web didn’t at...
Weibo Roundup for the Year of Rabbit
Don’t know Chinese? Don’t have Weibo? Feel like you're missing out on China’s popular phrases and funny photos? Don’t panic, we’ve got you covered...
A Match Made On Weibo: The Beijinger Cover Star Comes Forward
So a girl walks into a cafe, picks up a copy of the Beijinger's January issue – and discovers her grandmother is on the cover ... You might imagine...
Weibo Roundup: Cake, Scandal, and a Little Locke
As we head into the Mid-Autumn Festival long weekend, what's been burning up the Chinese microblogosphere? Fans of mooncakes have taken to Weibo to...
Weibo Wishlist: Who Would You Want To See Sign Up?
International celebrities are signing up to Sina Weibo on a daily basis but not nearly fast enough to satisfy our social media voyeurism. This got...
Crime, Fire and Traffic Reports On Weibo
China’s micro-blogging platform Weibo is not just about cute pictures, scandals and self-indulgent oversharing. Beijing’s police and fire...
Weibo Fame: Haidilao Can Do Anything!
When you hear “Haidilao” what do you think? Friendly service? Amazing hot pot? (Well, they did win the Beijinger restaurant award for Best Hot Pot...
If You’re Happy And You Know It … Push the Button
Are you happy, Beijingers? Beijing and Carlsberg want to know. Exactly one week ago, bus stops across the city were fitted with a “happiness index...
News You Might Have Missed: Beida, Grannies, and Airports
If you don’t, can’t or won’t read the Chinese newspaper, there are a few stories you might not have caught about Beida regulations and certain...
Weibo Roundup: Boobs, Killers, Grannies and a Grass Mud Horse
Do you want ad space but are not too sure which medium to post it on? Why not try something that will be constantly ogled? A Weibo user by the name...
Weibo Roundup: Shame, Disgust, Creeps and an Epic Fail
In our earlier post, we looked into Weibo and how it’s a hotbed of gossip but it’s Ms. Guo Meimei’s 15 minutes of fame that has really taken China...
Weibo Reveals Lifestyles of Rich and Famous
Weibo’s been giving netizens a reason to chatter recently. It’s the platform on which Ding Junhui can profess his love of Disney and Wang Gongquan...
Burberry + Keane + Technology = Biggest Tartan Event Ever
Just in case you haven’t heard yet, Burberry is hosting a mega-party next Wednesday, April 13, 2011. Digital media and fashion blogs alike have been...