Plants to Naturally Filter Your Air

It’s important to think about what can be done to improve our health in Beijing, rather than just moan about the toxic environment. Over the weekend our friend and Beijing Kids columnist Dr. Richard blogged some useful tips for living “green” in Beijing. Most usefully, Dr. Richard details three types of plants that are particularly good for naturally filtering the air in your apartment.

The common and inexpensive plants mentioned by Dr Richard are “the Areca Palm (风尾竹, fèngwěizhú)… good for creating oxygen; the snake plant (虎皮兰, hǔpílán)… good for bedrooms; and the money plant(绿萝, lǜluó)[which] helps remove gaseous chemicals”.

Dr Richard also recommends we try and eat organic when possible, particularly with the fruits and vegetables ranked as the worst offenders when it comes to the use of pesticides and chemicals – namely peaches, apples, peppers and celery. Organics are becoming easier to find through specialty shops as well as at regular markets, and the Global Times mentioned last week that people are continuing to push for better farming practices around Beijing.

People can also help out Dr Richard by taking his short survey on health in Beijing. The survey gives readers a chance to voice concerns on “what do you feel are the most serious health problems in Beijing?


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Interesting advise but I wonder how much O2 a plant will produce and really help? Let's say for example, I have a 1 square meter box that has no O2, and I put a plant that you highlight in your article in the sealed long until the box will be filled with 02?

We've all heard that plants produce O2, as a doctor who recommend plants, can you it to us in real terms of just how effective plants are?

Then I will know about how many plants I want to buy for my apartment and actually have a difference. Thanks for your advise, I have enjoyed all your posts.

The Areca palm is a good choice, but honestly, people shouldn't be too hung up on specific plants, as all plants help a bit. But a person who smokes indoors needs a lot more help than just a plant; they really need to invest in a good air purifier as the plants simply will never catch up. Of course, you can save even more money by quitting smoking! I know it's difficult to quit but it always remains the #1 way you can help your body. Never give up trying to quit...


Richard Saint Cyr MD

Blog | Weibo | Clinic

pfssst wrote:
Great article.

I was wondering what plant would you recommend for providing oxygen as well as filtering the air in appartments with limited space? (I am a big smoker.)


lauren_mccarthy wrote:
The common and inexpensive plants mentioned by Dr Richard are “the Areca Palm (风尾竹, fèngwěizhú)… good for creating oxygen;

Books by current and former Beijinger staffers

Great article.

I was wondering what plant would you recommend for providing oxygen as well as filtering the air in appartments with limited space? (I am a big smoker.)
