Clear Skies & Possibly More Snow on the Way

It’s been a foggy (and unusually damp) week in Beijing, which has had the unfortunate effect of locking in all that lovely air pollution, pushing the US Embassy’s air particle index up past the 400 (dangerous) mark for the past three days. State news agency Xinhua, however, says relief is on the way.

This report (Chinese only) from this morning predicts that winds and cooler air this evening should clear the atmosphere above the city, leading to clear sunny skies tomorrow morning.

The report also warns, however, that Friday and Saturday may see sleet or rain in Beijing, which would mark the third snow fall this year, or the capital’s first rain for 2011.

The heavy fog has blanketed much of eastern China, and according to China Daily led to the cancellation of 20 flights and the delay of another 100 flight at Shanghai’s Pudong Airport on Monday evening and Tuesday evening.


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