Rev Up: Three Shadows Turns Into Bike-in Theater This Saturday

If you haven’t noticed yet, the Beijinger is all about cycling this month, so, naturally, we’re excited to see our friends at Serk team up with Electric Shadows and sponsor, Gold Cider for their fourth annual Bike in Cinema event on Saturday (September 7).

Here’s the rundown:

Meet at Serk at 4pm and juice up with an expresso, snack or even a beer (if that’s how you like to ride) before rolling out. Alternatively, join the group at, Xiaoyun Bridge East 4th Ring Road at 5pm.

The expedition will arrive at Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in Caochangdi at 6pm where a DJ and more drinks and snacks will be waiting.

At 8pm, after muscles have rested and enough booze and sugar have been consumed, a real classic, Singin' in the Rain, will be screened outdoors.

At 9.30pm, bike home, while possibly singing, and definitely hoping it doesn’t start to rain.

The price for entry is RMB 20 if you’re biking or RMB 40 if pedaling is not your thing, but you still want to catch the flick. Full details are available on Serk’s website including a map of the route. Pre-registration is required by sending an email to with your name, email and mobile number. Enjoy the ride.
