A Claustrophobic Time Lapse Video of Beijing's Subway System

Last weekend The Guardian, released an informative article, mostly stating some facts that anyone living here for some time would already know and was accompanied by a stunning short time lapse video of rush hour on some of Beijing's busiest subway lines. It was shot and edited by local video artist Elisa Cuccineli and is worth a quick look. Check it out here.

Beijingers have a love-hate relationship with public transportation. With over 9.75 million people using it everyday, there are bound to be those moments where you can't help but feel a disdain for humanity. Though it is incredibly efficient compared to other megacities, it will always be cramped at peak hours and sometimes coated with disgusting residues of spilled breakfast or baby urine. I can't count how many times my nose has been foced in the direction of an open armpit or a ripe mouth breather. Despite all of this, many consider it "the pride of the city," because of its quickly expanding network of lines and ridiculously cheap ticket fares. 

Photos: scmp.comtheguardian.com