Who Will Be at the 2021 Hot & Spicy Fest? These Vendors Will Be!

We're getting so close to the 2021 Hot & Spicy Fest! That being the case, spice lovers are beginning to ask: Who will be whipping up the mouth-burning goodies at the fest? Well, look no further, as we have here the list of vendors who will be in attendance!

Think you know these bars and restaurants already? Think again! Because no few of these vendors will be preparing something extra hot just for the fest. To try it out, you'll have to show up!

Scan below to grab your early bird tix!

In addition, attendees can feel safe knowing that exclusive medical support will be provided by Vista Medical Center.

But remember, it's not all eating and drinking (though both will be done in excess). There will of course be live music, performances, games, and more fun like the annual Hot Pepper Eating Contest that will keep the party going all day and night. 

READ: Blinded by the Spice: Hot & Spicy Blind Boxes on Sale Now!

Images: The Beijingers, Uni You