Three Zongzi Flavors That Beijing Locals Love

You know the Dragon Boat Festival is right around the corner when people start prepping 粽子 zongzi, a kind of rice dumpling wrapped inside bamboo leaves. Zongzi usually come in two types of flavors- savory and sweet.  Did you know that most Beijingers prefer to eat sweet zongzi instead of salty ones? This is in contrast with southerners, who generally prefer savory zongzis filled with meat or salted egg yolk.

Usually, northerners prefer more savory food and southerners more sweet food, however it seems that zongzi is the exception to that rule. With that being said let's have a look at some of the most popular flavors of Chinese zongzis that Beijingers cannot say no to!

1.Red bean paste rice dumpling 豆沙粽子 Dòushā zòngzi

This is hands down my favorite flavor. When I was a kid, unwrapping the bamboo leaves of a zongzi almost felt like opening a  present, never knowing what flavor you will get. I always wanted to get the red-bean paste flavored zongzi because the texture of red bean always keeps me coming back for more bites. The sweetness of the red bean goes so well with the refreshing taste of the sticky rice, and it was certainly one of my favorite childhood snacks.

2.Sweet dates flavored rice dumplings 红枣粽子 Hóng zǎo zòngzi

Sweet date-filled zongzi are probably one of the most common you'll find in Beijing. My grandma likes to make them every year around this time. The dates are soft and juicy, and taste even better when you dip them in white sugar. There are so many layers of taste and it blends perfectly with the smell of the bamboo leaves.

3.Eight-Treasure Flavored Rice Dumplings 八宝粽子 Bā bǎo zòngzi

This zongzi consists of "eight treasures": sticky rice, dried fruits, nuts, mung

beans, red bean paste, pearl barley, sesame, and lotus seeds. The fragrant dried fruits have an earthy aroma and a slightly sour twist which balances the sweetness of the red bean, making it a delicious treat after dinner.

Got any favorite zongzi flavors? Let us know what they are in the comments!

Read:Daily Delivery Tour: It's Cocktail Time

Images: Weibo


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Eating zongxzi is like eating glue wrapped in grass.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.