Kid Comedians Wanted for Fun-draising Event!

The first pet rescue fundraiser event of its kind that we’ve seen, Paws for Laughs will bring together aspiring kid comedians, professional comedians, good food, a market (including secondhand books!) and silent auction, all for the good cause of supporting animal rescue group Furry Tales.

This project is the brainchild of Lisa Hwang, who has been helping to coordinate pet rescue fundraising events once or twice a year. Hwang says: “When I learned of Team Comedy Club China (CCC) in Beijing this past summer, I was really excited! I wanted more people, especially those living further from downtown in Shunyi, to know about them too. I even invited a comedian to do a comedy 101 crash course for my son and his friends to foster new social interactions and develop their public speaking skills.” Hwang shares her inspiration: “Later, when brainstorming for this year’s second pet rescue fundraiser, I put two and two together and asked if the kids would like to test their skills on stage after the ‘comedy camp.’ They and their parents were all super supportive, so everything just came together from there!”

Typically, live comedy shows are not suitable for kids, but just for this event, the comedians from CCC – including such popular names as Donnie Fan and Kei Gambit – kindly modified their content to suit younger audiences. Other performing comedians at the event include Miao, Dani, and Zou Lu.

But it may just be the amateur open mic that will steal the show at the event, seeing as how it will be the first time that kids as young as 12 will be standing on the stage and trying their material. We spoke to three of these soon-to-be live-performing comedians to find out what they’ve got in store for you!

There's more to this story! This article originally appeared on our sister site, Jingkids International.

Click here to continue reading

READ: Cultivating Patriotism in Our Children

Images courtesy of Lisa Hwang, participating performers


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Well, I am not a kid, by convential standards, niether a comedian, by convential standards. Nonetheless, I can let you into a lucky trick, I have used twice, once in a bumfunk town in Henan, once in Jiangsu,

When you, as a laowai, appear at such low rent hotel, and request admission, after you have already paid cash on Ctrip, and all your papers and visas, resident permits, etc., are in order, and up to date, yet they refuse you admiision, telling you that they cannot admit foreigners, just tell them that then you are going to go outside to sleep on the sidewalk in front of their door. Worked twice for me, not joking.

I am Doktor Aethelwise Snapdragoon.