Living La Vida Local: Winter Fun

Happy Boxing Day! Christmas is behind us and what an eventful season it has been. In the last weeks we've seen a successful public appeal from charity, Roundabout to get a young boy a bone marrow transplant and an ongoing charitable album release by do-gooder Liu Yusi.( Don't miss his stop this Friday at Zajia.) The canine community was the focus of the Beijinger's December issue. If you haven't seen our feature on adopting dogs in the city yet, it just went up on our blog, have a glance. And the January issue is now up on, including great skiing ideas around the city and new classes from visual design experts Luma Lu.

For healthy winter fun this week, get outdoors. Nothing beats simply skating and taking in the winter fun at Houhai (try to catch the polar bear swimmers). And O'le is organizing ski trips all week, so hit the slopes with them if you're looking for something a bit more demanding.

Enjoy the Holidays!