Talking Entertainment: Your Weekend Guide to the Arts

Django Unchained has been removed from theaters in China. The Guardian reports that censors stepped – literally at the last minute – to stop the film. Sources are indicating the movie was pulled due to a full-frontal nude scene, even after all the gore in the film was toned down for the China release.

Beijing Cream picked up some Weibo chatter yesterday from people who actually attended the Django Unchained opening in Sanlitun. Apparently, the film came to an abrupt halt one minute in, and cinema staff announced that censors had ordered the film stopped. Users on the Beijinger forum got pretty excited as well, ranting over China's censorship laws. One user writes:

"I was looking forward to watching this movie, it looked great and I saw it was going to be released this weekend in China. They advertised it a lot and it was so popular that you had to buy the tickets in advance or reserve them. Now I am hearing China has changed her mind and that the movie was cancelled or put on hold for now. WTF?"

There’s been no confirmation yet if the nude scene will be edited out and the film re-released. Right on the heels of this cancellation, G.I. Joe: Retaliation is set to be launched in China on Monday. The sci-fi thriller should offer plenty of violence for action junkies, but it will have a tough job making up for Quentin Tarantino's unique directorial style.

Here are some A&C events this week: