Cheers Dares You to Win Your Weight in Wine (No Joke) This Maovember

Maovember continues with what is possibly the most enticing (or downright scary) opportunity to win stuff in the name of charity yet: Cheers Wine is daring you to win your weight in wine by simply guessing how many Beijing Cheers stores one man can visit by foot in three days: Friday, Nov 10 to Sunday, Nov 12.

Our man Mike Wester is once again walking to ridiculous lengths to raise funds for charity, risking blister, boredom, and well, just coming off as a bit weird and obsessive in the name of the good cause. Whatever distance Wester walks this weekend will go toward his mission to walk 900km in November.

Entry to the contest is simple: All you need to do is scan the WeChat QR code below and send your guess of how many stores Wester can visit over three days, as well as how many kilometers in total you think he'll walk (this will be used in case of tie). Each guess is a RMB 90 donation to the Maovember charities, and you're free to guess as many numbers as you like.

If you're game for a little math, Wester is averaging 34km a day so far and the majority of Cheers' stores lie within Beijing's central districts. However, a couple of the stores are located as far out as Yizhuang, Changping, and Shunyi, which, if Mike decides to walk to them, would likely throw the total way off. As another curveball, Wester could even decide to rest up, take the weekend off, and merely show up at the closing party on Sunday, with a grand total of one.

Over a dozen people have already donated to the charity contest, with guesses ranging from 22 to 36 stores (and a median guess of 27), while guesses for the total number of kilometers ranges from 59 to 198, with a median of 123km (or 41kms a day)!

Should you win, you will be weighed and then provided with a liquid version of yourself to spend many a sozzled weekend with. Exactly how many bottles of wine could that be? Well, an average bottle weighs between 1.3 to 1.8 kilos. So, if you weigh 70 kilos, you could become the proud owner of 39 bottles (*gulp*).

Additionally, Cheers will be contributing an extra RMB 100 for every store that Wester is able to visit, up to the 20th store, and RMB 200 for every store after.

If you'd like to see Wester over the finish line, Cheers will be throwing a little shindig at their #67 Shuangjing branch starting at 6pm on Sunday, Nov 12.

Every RMB raised for Maovember through its related events and donations goes to charity. This year, donations will go to Bread of Life bakery, a Beijing-based enterprise that makes delicious cakes and bread and employs disabled orphan adults, and The Library Project, which builds reading rooms in rural China. You can read more about the charities and what they do here.

If you're looking for a reason to get up and be active yourself, there are still spaces left for tonight's Maovember Beer-Active class, which involves a workout at BActive's Sanlitun branch, followed by beers at Slow Boat Brewery on Nansanlitun Lu hosted by our resident beer expert Tracy Wang. The event kicks off at 8pm (we ask that you arrive at 7.45pm) and tickets cost RMB 100.

Images courtesy of Cheers Wine