Blog Tag - cigarettes

Throwback Thursday: Five Years Later, Beijing Sees Mixed Success With Tobacco Control Policies
Throwback Thursday takes a look back into Beijing's past, using our 12-year-strong blog archives as the source for a glance at the weird and...
Twenty-Five Percent of Beijing's Tobacco Vendors Fail to Butt Out, Continue Selling Cigarettes Near Schools Illegally
Beijing minors looking to light up have ample opportunity, despite prohibitive regulations. On July 23 Xinhua reported that more than 25 percent of...
Now Cher and the Sierra Club Are Parroting the 'Beijing Air/40 Cigarettes Per Day' Myth
Apparently actress/singer/zombie Cher doesn't read the Beijinger, and we're not sure whether that's good or not. If Cher did, then she'd know that...
No, Living in Beijing is NOT Equivalent to Smoking 40 Cigarettes a Day
Ah, Berkeley, The Economist: These words ooze credibility at their very core. So when a recent article in The Economist cited a study by an...
Less Than 10 Days Before Beijing's Total Indoor Smoking Ban Takes Effect
Indoor life gets a little more difficult for Beijing's estimated 4.2 million smokers in fewer than 10 days as the city enacts the nation's toughest...
China Raises Cigarette Taxes, but Will It Stub Out Smoking
China raised cigarette taxes on Sunday, from five to 11 percent, in an effort to reduce smoking and less than a month before Beijing's smoking ban...
How Much Worse is a Roomful of Smokers Than Beijing's Bad Air? Check this WHO Graphic to See
In Beijing we love to whinge when the air gets bad -- and we all collectively freak when the AQI goes up over a couple hundred. Well the World Health...
WHO Announces ‘Smoke Free’ #RUFREE# Campaign Ahead of June 1 Smoking Ban
As we seemed a little bit skeptical about the recently announced citywide indoor smoking ban (skeptical about it working out, let us reiterate, not...
Public Asked to Choose the Hand Signal that Will Solve Beijing's Smoking Problem. Uh Huh.
The people who brought you approved moves for dancing grannies are now seeking public input on an official hand signal to be used for citizen...