Capture a Weasel and Win Prizes With Bespoke Beijing

According to Chinese legend, spotting a Yellow Weasel scampering through a hutong will bring you good luck. According to local tour company Bespoke Beijing, taking a picture of one can now bring you fame (and a prize). Spotting the short-legged creature will be the hard part. Much like true love, the Internet swears they exist but you’re unlikely to meet someone who has actually found one. So if you have a good eye and a fast hand with that camera phone, snap a picture and post the image direct to Bespoke Beijing’s Facebook page, or email it to with "HUTONG WEASEL" as the subject line.

Be forewarned that legend also has it the Yellow Weasel (or huang shu lang, literally “yellow mouse wolf”) is a wandering spirit capable of stealing your soul. They also possess the perhaps more terrifying ability to spray a pungent secretion which reportedly takes a month to wash away.


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I've seen a few in the hutongs over the years but mostly running on rooftops and almost always dusk / evenings... To get a photo you'd either have to very lucky and be in the right place at the right time or have a tripod setup and wait for the thing to come out...

I've seen them 3 different times in the past 1.5 years, but none of the sightings were in the hutongs. Most recently I saw one on a major road at Financial Street.

They are fast little buggers that seem to come out at night, so good luck getting a picture--much less a good one!