Philatelist Fun: Year of the Monkey Commemorative Stamps Now on Sale

With every new year comes a new set of commemorative stamps, and this year is no different: the Year of the Monkey stamps are now available in post offices throughout the city, as designed by Chinese arist Huang Yongyu, who just so happens to be over 90 frickin' years old, looks like the cutest grandpa ever, and is never seen without his pipe:

The stamps are valued at RMB 1.2 each, and can be purchased in many differently-priced renditions and collectors' kits whether you prefer a large set with many of the same stamps, or individual envelopes with one of each of the stamps and different artworks.

The stamps are different from previous years' commemorative stamps in that they work in recent changes in society. The first stamp pictured above, for example, depicts a monkey holding two children: signifying the fact that the one child policy has come to an end.

And because we love Huang Yongyu so much, here's a couple of examples of his previous work, featuring adorable owls:

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Photos: Sina, Ecns,