Tour Japan in Beijing with the Fun! Sake Tour

The Eastern Capital has come to the Northern Capital as the Fun! Sake Tour pours into Beijing. From now until Oct 31, you can drink your way around the city trying the finest Japanese liquor in China.

The event is organized by This is C5 Sake, and you can stop by there or any of the 16 participating sake bars to pick up your sake passport card. Each of the venues on the card will have special menu selections of both food and drink just for the event and you can get a 15 percent discount when you use the card.

But the benefits don’t stop there – in order to encourage drinkers to try all the bars, they’re offering to throw your name in hat for the lucky draw for a chance to become a lifetime VIP at C5 if you manage to get stamps from all 16. The one lucky winner will get a customized bottle of sake, plus a VIP black card that can be used for 10 percent off any of the 16 participating stores for life!

But if 16 sake bars in one month seems like a bit much, don’t worry, you can still use the passport to earn “mileage” for each destination you hit. Each venue represents a sake production area of Japan, and you can calculate a route between all of the venues you visit to find you’re total mileage and exchange your miles for sake – one millimeter per pretend kilometer – at This is C5. You can head there to complete the exchange any time before Nov 30.

Sound confusing? We think so too, but luckily there will be a “travel guide” at C5 who will help you calculate your mileage when you go in to exchange your card for cold, hard, sake. In the meantime, the whole scheme might start making more sense after a few drinks.

Whichever way you intend to play, the participating bars are as follows:

Hengshan Daguan Sake Bar 横山大观

Liuli Sake Bar 琉璃

Bange Qingjiuhui 办个清酒会

Sansan De Jiu 叁叁得酒

Chuang Shan 闖山


Bei He Wanshi 杯和万事

Shang Yuan 上沅居酒屋

Island Sake Bar 喫酒

Meizuitang 美醉堂新派居酒屋

This is C5 Sake

Man Zou 慢走

Japanese Liquor Museum日本酒博物馆

Yi Yuan 一元

Toratori-ya  虎鸟屋

Food Sake  青小山

READ: Your Guide to Japanese Barbecue in Beijing

Images: UNSPLASH, This is C5 Sake