Blog Tag - Bon Jovi

Pre-Cancelled: The Shows That Could Have Been in 2015
While most years we have our fair share of gigs from out-of-towners that ultimately meet their fate on the chopping board, in 2015 we were flooded...
Now or ... Well, Never: Bon Jovi Cancelled for Beijing, Shanghai
We guess the folks who decide who can and cannot play in Beijing didn't care for Jon Bon Jovi's recent rendition of "The Moon Represents My Heart."  ...
What's Happening: The Most Important Dates in September
What's Happening is a regular feature in the Beijinger magazine highlighting the hottest events in the month to come.  Sep 5: Brawl on the...
Ahead of September 17 Beijing Gig, Bon Jovi Sings in Chinese
He's seen a million faces and he's rocked them all – the only difference is that for the first time, he's done it in Chinese. Hair model Jon Bon Jovi...
Bon Jovi is Coming to China for the First Time Ever!
This little nugget we initially discovered through our compatriots at Smart Beijing, who were given the tip off by the folks at Tango Live. Well, the...