Blog Tag - hangover

DP Six Ways to Beat a Beijing Hangover
Beijing hangovers are one of a kind. You start off with a cheeky and somewhat classy happy hour after work, head to a brewpub for beers and dinner...
Hang Up on the Hangover: Beijing's Bartenders Spill on Their Remedies
We’ve all been there. A late night binge that seemed like a great idea at the time ends up sludged across your bathroom floor. All those cheap...
Talking TCM: 7 Natural Remedies to Banish Hangover Blues
Alcohol has always played an essential role in traditional Chinese culture. It is a gateway to success at business dinners and used for celebration...
Surviving the Morning After: Hangover Cures from Around the World
China likes to lay claim to inventing just about everything—the fork, the noodle, and the flamethrower to name a few—so why not throw alcohol into...