How to get to Instreet for Hot & Spicy Fest 2021

We’ve nearly arrived at the spiciest weekend of the year! Are your lips ready? If so, then let’s take a look at how to get to Instreet for the 2021 Hot & Spicy Festival, May 15-16 from 11am-8pm. That's tomorrow and Sunday! Special thanks to the festival's sponsor JSS Delivery!

As you may have heard, some light showers are expected for tomorrow (but clear skies on Sunday!). It shouldn't be too big of a deal, but dress accordingly! If you really want to switch your Saturday early-bird ticket to Sunday due to rain, you may. But let's be real – if you can't handle a little water, can you really handle the HEAT?

One other thing to keep in mind: if you still want to sign up for the Hot Pepper Chili Eating Contest, or the Spanish Tongue Twister Contest (judged by the honorable cultural attachés from Colombia and Mexican embassies!), you can do so on-site at the Beijinger booth.

The Entrance:

Instreet is a sunken street that connects the east and west sides of the Fenghuang Loop Road at Sanyaunqiao, next to Galleria mall. You must enter from the east enterance the first time you enter – head down the stairs to find the ticketing station. Once you've got your bracelet, you can come and go as you please from either the east or west exits.

By Subway:

It couldn’t be easier to get to Instreet by Subway. Simply get to Line 10 and get off of Sanyuanqiao Station, then go out exit B.

Once you’ve exited, head southwest out of the station and trek about 20 meters to Fenghuang Lu, then turn right. Walk another 75 meters to the end of that road and that will put you right at the entrance of the fest!

By Didi

Getting to In street via Didi or is a breeze too.

If you use the Chinese edition, type “Instreet” into the search bar and select “凤凰汇 里巷 In Street” as your destination. 

If you use the English edition, type "In Street" and select "Phoenix Way Li Alley In Street" as your destination.

The driver should take you right to the entrance area!


Restrooms are located next to the Starbucks near the center of the road on the north side. There are more restrooms in the Galleria shopping mall if you don't mind walking a bit. Don't worry, you can get back in with your bracelet! 

See you there, spicy lovers!

READ: Spicy Stage: These Performers Will Light Up the 2021 Hot & Spicy Fest

Images: The Beijingers, Instreet