Fight on the subway!!

There was this one time I got in a pushing, scratching cat fight with a grandmother on the subway. It was the end of the day, I was tired and it was that time of the month (deadline time, I mean) and I TOTALLY DESERVED that seat – you know, the one reserved for the disabled, elderly and pregnant. And the lao taitai wasn’t really all that lao - she was one of those strong young grandmothers that spend every evening practicing fan dances on the street corners. Anyway we lunged for the seat at the same time and I (sort of accidentally) elbowed her in the gut and then …

OK, fine, that didn’t actually happen, but I’ve thought about it. Many times. If you want to see what it would look like, but with two young Chinese dudes instead of me and Zhang Taitai, check out the video above of a Beijing subway fight.

Links and Sources: 北京地铁搏击现场