the Beijinger's Six-Word Writing Competition: All the Entries – Part 3

The competition may be over but the Beijinger's Six-Word Writing Competition keeps on giving. It's time to share every single entry that we received. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Your efforts are appreciated. As for all of you who didn't enter the contest: Get ready to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Without further ado ...

OK, a small bit of further ado. All of these entries are listed verbatim as they came to us in the original emails. They have not been intentionally edited. The copy editor in us wanted to write "[sic]" all over them but this caveat can serve the same purpose.

  1. At least there is always Dali.
  2. Sorry is a four letter word
  3. Want to fly? Take a fall.
  4. Things just ain't what they seem.
  5. If you speak slowly, I can understand.
  6. Grey skies get under your skin.
  7. Face it alone. Without the other.
  8. Moving too fast, or standing still?
  9. What fragrant flowers grow from filth.
  10. I came, I saw, I ...survived.
  11. Home is where your visa's stamped.
  12. We are only rich in China
  13. At least the dog got away.
  14. Too much heat. Not enough friends.
  15. English slogans that make no sense.
  16. Heat induced madness, gold plated toilets.
  17. Foreigners beware falling debris and projectiles.
  18. My pink unicorn doesn't like you
  19. Freedom to live my own life
  20. Peking Restaurant: world's best, with caveats.
  21. That was my last jianbing, ever
  22. My dog’s sweater is the shit
  23. Too many sparkles? That’s not possible.
  24. A weasel ran over my foot
  25. Garlic makes the world go round
  26. Omigod, why am I still here
  27. queued all day alas Mao dead
  28. i feel more comfortable speaking Chinese
  29. this is not the real china
  30. that is not the real china

Think you can do better? Go and leave your six words on the collage at The Bookworm.
