The Beijinger Bar & Club Awards Survival Kit

Just a reminder that if you are coming to the Beijinger's Ninth Annual Reader Bar & Club Awards today then you will be best off if you bring the following things:

  • Photocopies of your passport, visa and temporary residence permit
  • A ticket if you are lucky enough to have one or RMB 100 if you don't have a ticket
  • Beachwear
  • Your liver, and in good shape, to take advantage of the generous all-you-can-drink
  • Fingers - it will be hard to eat the finger food without it
  • A sense of fun

If you don't have all of these things then we'd advise you to stay home but all is not lost. You can follow the awards here from 2.30pm when we'll announce the first batch of winners and at 6.30pm when the big winners will be revealed. And if you are at home then you might as well try to recreate the party: You'll need a bottle of tequila to try and do shots from your roommate's/pet's/your own belly button, some lipstick to be drawn on with and some beachwear. It will be like being there.