Chopsticks and Stones may Break My Bones: Cooking Competition for Foreigners

Laowai haven’t been getting a lot of love lately, but CRI English, the official English-language website of China Radio International, is giving us all a chance to come to together over the one thing capable of bringing happiness to everyone on earth: Chinese food.

Chopsticks and Beyond is a cooking competition where foreigners are encouraged to bring their own special flavor to one of four Chinese cuisines. This month’s event, held July 27, will be a Cantonese challenge judged by popular food microbloggers and professionals from the World Association of Chinese Cuisine. Professional chefs will be on hand to give guidance to contestants in case your Roast Suckling Pig isn’t quite where it should be.

If you’re a foreigner who knows your way around a pair of chopsticks (and beyond), you can register to compete by emailing CRI English. Contestants will be judged on answers given during a question session, as well as dish evaluations. Extra points are given for “pizzazz.”

You can find more information and see photos of last month’s event here, or you can just admit that reading this has made you ridiculously hungry and go get dinner.
