Zombies, Please Find Alternate Transportation: Beijing Subway Discourages Costumes, Make-Up

In an effort to boost automobile sales among zombies and other people who dress funny in public, the Beijing Subway has adopted an official policy of discouraging "strange clothes or horror make-up" on its rapidly expanding system.

The policy made a cameo during Halloween 2014, likely Beijing's most widespread celebration of Halloween so far, when costumed revelers were told they could be prevented from riding or removed from subway cars if their attire or make-up was "disruptive." However, the policy only became long-term earlier this month. 

"With passenger traffic of over 10 million people per day and relatively limited space does not allow for the impact of inappropriate action or injury caused, so we must resolutely put a stop [to such behavior," said Beijing Municipal Transport Law Enforcement Deputy Chief Liang Jianwei.

"Strange" behavior, including costumes, make-up, and also flash mobs, could cause a stampede or accident, or otherwise impede the subway's normal operations, Liang said.

Gone then, it seems, are the days when entire Halloween parties were conducted on board Beijing Subway cars.

Photo: Abdel Beldy