Blood Banks Full for Tianjin Disaster Support

There was a desperate call for blood donations for the victims of the catastrophic explosions in Tianjin yesterday. A minimum of 701 locals have been admitted to hospitals. The latest figures from the BBC state 71 are in critical condition, and at least 12 known firefighters are among the dead.

Hospitals were overwhelmed; they lacked medical supplies, medication, and most crucially – blood. Hundreds queued at bloodmobiles across Tianjin to donate. Locals rallied and filled the blood banks in the city, astonishingly, in under one day.

Many expats contacted out sister site beijingkids requesting information on how to give blood. We spoke to staff at Beijing United Family Hospital who told us the call for donations in Beijing organized by the Beijing Blood Center has been withdrawn, and there is no further need for blood donations at this time.
