Never Miss a Beat With the Beijinger's Newsletter, WeChat, and Facebook Events Page

You wanna know what's going on in the capital? There's no better way than having the info delivered to you wherever you are.

For those of you into good ol' fashioned email (or have a smartphone  wild!), there's our weekly email newsletter, which compiles the best of the weekend's Events with highlights from our ever-expanding Blog (subscribe here).

If you're a phone addict (and we know you are) then you can always subscribe to our near-daily WeChat newsletter, which is a little more compact but can always reach you (ID: the_beijinger, or scan the QR code below).

And if that isn't convenient enough you can always peruse a wider range of events from our full online events listings.

Or if you can't peel your eyeballs off of Facebook, you can always check the Beijinger's Facebook Events group, which is open for all members to post Beijing-related events and currently boasts over 21,000 members. And of course, if you haven't already, keep up with everything we post via our regular Facebook page.

There's so much to do, Beijing. We'll see you out there.

Image: the Beijinger