Where to Watch Superbowl 56 in Beijing

Editor's Note: Due to ever-changing anti-epidemic rules and regulations, it's best to call ahead and see if the event you're interested in attending is still happening.

The biggest event in football – the US version with the oddly shaped leather-covered thing nicknamed a "pigskin," not the other version – is upon us: Superbowl 56. Whether you're actually rooting for someone or just want an excuse to start drinking at 7.30am, it's bound to be a good time, so we've compiled this list of places to catch the big game on Feb 14.

These are but a handful of the watching parties happening around town, so be sure to keep an eye on our Super Bowl events page for more places to watch.

What: The Complete NFL Experience Party
Where: Centro, Kerry Hotel Beijing

What: Home Plate Superbowl Party
Where: Home Plate BBQ, Sanlitun

What: Superbowl LVI Party
Where: Q MEX (Sanlitun & The Place locations)

What: Superbowl LVI @ Great Leap
Where: Great Leap Brewing, Gongti Xilu

What: Superbowl Watching Party
Where: The Local Bar & Grill
Note: Add localKenn (QR above) on WeChat for inquiries

READ: OlymPicks: With Public Ticketing Closed, Here's Where to Watch the Games

Images: espndesportes.espn.com, courtesy of the venues