Blog Author - Chloe Lee

Gulou Personified: Biewutachu Store Is One-of-a-Kind
In Chinese, “bie wu ta chu” means unavailable elsewhere, and if owner Grace is referring to her wire-wrenching husband, she can put...
Fat's Beijing: City Fights Back Against Childhood Obesity
  Troubled by the rapid rise in youth obesity, Beijing’s municipal health bureau is planning to implement a newly-drafted...
Fragrant Haven: Soaps, Candles and Nepalese Handicrafts at Phewa
Phewa, Nepal’s second largest lake, sits at the foot of the Himalayas and is surrounded by nature’s best panoramas.  Fittingly, its namesake store...
Summer Colds: Debunking Home Remedies
As if the merciless summer heat beating against your back isn't bad enough, your nose keeps running, your throat feels like you've emptied two...