Blog Tag - Belgian beer

Rock-Hard Buns: Delicious Bao and Beer at Modern Brasserie De Refter
In the lead-up to this weekend's 2018 Beijing Burger Festival at Galaxy Soho, our Rock-Hard Buns series will whet your appetite by taking a look at...
Promising Modern Belgian Brasserie De Refter Reopened at Courtyard 4 with Bao and Beer
Despite Courtyard 4 being one of our go-to Sanlitun destinations for drinking and dining, De Refter has rarely been our first port of call. Having...
Pairing Pizza and Beer? Why not?
During the Beijinger 2014 Pizza Cup, our readers voted beer as their favorite liquid accompaniment with pizza. But which one goes best with which...
USA vs Belgium: The Beer-Off
On the eve of the World Cup quarterfinal match between Belgium and the USA (tune in Wednesday morning at 4am), we decided to pit three of Belgium's...