Blog Tag - e-scooters

Beijing to Begin Fines for Non-Standard Scooters in November
Authorities announced yesterday that starting in November 2021, Beijing will finally begin fining riders who take to the road on electric scooters...
No Scooter in Beijing? Here's the Life Your Missing On
Fact: Beijing is big. So why can it feel so small at times? For many of us, it’s easy to end up spending most days in one pocket of the city. Even...
Talking Travel: City Warns About Shared Scooters, Andingmen Station to Get New Entrances
Talking Travel: Your semi-regular roundup of Beijing's latest transportation-related news. An end to shared e-scooters? Following an investigation...
16 Beijing Things That Need Banning More Than Segways (Which Were Banned From Roads on Monday)
You will have seen him: a guy aged between 25 and 35, with enough disposable income to afford a new toy but wanting to christen a lazier junction in...