Blog Tag - evergreen

Hike in the Footsteps of the Emperors With a Weekend Visit to Mount Tai
There are plenty of hiking opportunities to be had around the outskirts of Beijing but for something a little more challenging that also packs a one-...
Confessing Your Love on Qixi? Choose Your Lines Wisely
As you may have heard, it's that lovey-dovey time of year again. Yes, I am talking about Qixi, the Chinese Valentine’s Day. Besides treating your...
Reputable Local Movers for Apartment Moves
With Beijing rents cheaper than they've been in a while, now may be as good a time as any to find some digs and start fresh. Despite all the...
China Wi-Fi Woes? How to Set Up and Stay Hooked on Internet at Home
Besides ordering water and toilet paper, setting up Wi-Fi is often the most pressing thing on any new tenant's mind. If the ins and outs of Wi-Fi set...
Backyard Adventure: Beijing’s Best Local Tour Guides and Agencies
Why would you want to leave China (or Beijing for that matter) when there are so many incredible things to discover right here in your backyard? We’...
Beijing vs. Shanghai: Stereotypes and Bigotries
Breaking news: Beijing and Shanghai have a long term rivalry!  Okay, okay, while there are more articles discussing the differences between these two...
R Hit the Road: The Best Longer Cycling Routes Around Beijing
If you're a cycling enthusiast, you've probably already tried our top 10 easy center-city Beijing rides. Now, however, it's time to level up with...
What You Need to Know Before Buying an E-Bike in Beijing
It's often said that scooters are the most convenient means of transport in the capital, especially if you live a little further afield. China also...
Free Online Fitness Classes
Being stuck at home for long periods is bad news for your health for several reasons: you're deprived of the movement you get from walking or cycling...
Maintain Proper Bedroom Feng Shui With These Simple Dos and Don’ts
Feng shui (风水, literally “wind and water”), is an ancient art form in China that posits that if the placement of your various adornments and...
China Post Jumps On Board the Food Delivery Train
From food to groceries, there’s no shortage of delivery for those of us adamant to stay fully quarantined these next days. New to the delivery...
Mandarin Monday: Choosing a Chinese Name 101 (So as to Avoid Sounding Like a Weirdo)
Elephant, Yolo, Little Dragon, Lucifer… we’ve all come across strange sounding English names that Chinese people have chosen for themselves. Clearly...
Strap On Yer Skis! The Best Slopes in greater Beijing
Instead of only catering to the well-to-do, Beijing’s ski resort owners are now racing to make winter sports mainstream with as much momentum as an...
Score Last-Minute Flight Deals With's 'Explore the World' Function
Desperate to get out of town for Chinese New Year but left it a bit too late? Never fear, help may still be at hand. If you're not too picky about...
How to Use the Shansong Courier Service
The kuaidi – delivery – business is booming in China, but if you're only using it to order things to you, then you're missing out on half the fun. It...