Buy Books & Toys for Charity

Roundabout Charity Store is holding a special toy and book day this Saturday (January 30) to raise money for Beijing foster home, Agape Family Life House. The foster home offers orphans suffering from brittle bone disease the care they need and a place to call their home. The organization is currently in need of new wheel chairs and Roundabout is hoping to raise enough money to buy 20 of these for children in the foster home.

The Super Dee Duper Toy and Book Sale runs from 9:30am to 4:30pm and will give you a chance to donate to a needy cause, as well as snapping up some goodies for yourself and the whole family. Members of the Agape family will be selling yummy homemade cakes and mugs of steaming hot chocolate. All money raised from the sale will be donated to Agape Family Life House.

Throughout the year, Roundabout is always looking for donations of unwanted items to donate to those in need across China or to sell in the charity store. Just stop by the store anytime during daytime hours.

Roundabout Charity Store, daily Mon–Sat 9.30am–6pm. Kaifa Jie, Houshayu (around the corner from ISB), Shunyi District. (Leslie: 137 1877 7761; 北五环东路外开发街顺义区后沙峪开发街