A Rainforest Grows in Beijing

Plans for Beijing’s largest hotel-to-be are out and I’m a little worried about the architectural trend hitting Beijing. The new hotel will not only look futuristic, but also contain plenty of the newest technology as well as housing an indoor 10,000 sqm rainforest.

The hotel, along with the under-construction Galaxy Soho are channeling their inner UFOs as they prepare to land in around Beijing. Some may see the buildings as cutting edge, but I see them as more of an eyesore.

Image aside, the National Hotel will be out near the East 5th Ring Road and include 1,500 rooms, a sky restaurant, and be made up of a double layer “skin” that will serve as a “weather break” and “weatherproof enclosure” that will also collect rainwater for the maintenance of the rainforest.

Photos: evolo.us, sohochina.com


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This news (via Artinfo's Madeleine O'Dea) does not bode well for the architect:

As Zaha Hadid's Guangzhou Opera House Leaks and Crumbles, Critics in China Crack a Smile

The Opera House's "twin boulder" design with its sinuous flow of granite and glass was widely acclaimed when the building officially opened in April, but just a few months later evidence of hasty and slipshod construction work is causing embarrassment. The building is leaking badly and cracks mar its walls and ceiling. More seriously, many of the 75,000 granite panels that make up the building's fluid facade are to be replaced, as it has become clear that the original panels were shoddily made and incompetently laid.

Jerry Chan, Digital Marketing & Content Strategy Director

More architectural wonders from Zaha Hadid coming to Wangjing:

"Described as 'a set of aluminum and glass mountains' to be set in Beijing’s Chaoyang district, Wangjing SOHO will consist of three curved office towers ranging in height up to 200 meters, along with three smaller commercial buildings."

Jerry Chan, Digital Marketing & Content Strategy Director

looks like a wart, viewed under electron microscope

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nonsense...ugly nonsense. (|:

oh yeah? well, let me ask you this: shut up! contemporary china = crouching tension, hidden anger.

a double layer “skin” that will serve as a “weather break” and “weatherproof enclosure” that will also collect rainwater for the maintenance of the rainforest


This week's freaky rain storm aside, it rarely rains in Beijing - It's city that suffers from droughts even in the winter. It certainly doesnt rain enough to maintain a rainforest.

"Who knows what will be remembered of this century in 5,000 years time. It may be Stalin or Islamic fundamentalism or it may just be the stock cube" - Armando Iannucci