The Big Screen Gets Bigger: More Movies To Reach Chinese Cinemas

Xi Jingping finished his recent visit by giving the Americans a gift. The gift in question was a further entry for the US film industry into the Chinese market. Under current regulations, there are 20 foreign films in Chinese cinemas per year. Each of these is revenue-sharing between China and the film's country of origin. The new agreement doesn't add to this annual quota but it does allow for 14 other new movies to enter the market as premium format films exempt from the quota. This means more 3-D and IMAX films for us and more ticket sales for both interested parties. But what will we actually get to watch? The New York Times seem to think that it's going to be wall-to-wall blockbusters.

Good news all round, but what are you hoping makes it to the big screen? Let us know in the comments section below.

Image: Softpedia-static