the Beijinger's Six-Word Writing Competition: The Winners

The three winners of our six-word writing competition have been decided. You can find out who finished where in the top nine by reading on. If you want to hear the winning six words performed live you can do so at our "Pop-Up Magazine" event at The Bookworm International Literary Festival on March 16. Drumroll please ...

And the winners are:

1. 500pm: blue sky with Chinese characteristics.*
2. First at bus stop, last on.
3. Stuck in traffic. Might be late.

4. Came for two years. Stayed forever …
5. Beijing, my love, you dusty concubine.
6. Doubt it's really lamb. Still eating.
7. Great new restaurant. Closed next week.
8. Ring roads wrapped around red ruins.
9. Bro, Fengtai is the new Dongcheng.

Congratulations to Maaike Harmsen, Sean Fernando and Daniel Godfrey.

* This was originally printed as "5.00pm: blue sky with Chinese characteristics."

Photo: Iain Shaw


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I still can't believe "Beijing, my love, you dusty concubine" didn't win. It's the perfect mix of passion for and pessimism over this deeply flawed but ultimately loveable city

Books by current and former Beijinger staffers

Mine was "Beige skies, gray roofs, pink lights". After reading the others, I agree I should give up poetry.

That's to be expected.

Honestly, 8 seems like it ought to have been the clear winner. 6 sounds like a meme, but it's still nice. Better luck next time, you two!

So all three winners point out
some negative experiences here in BJ:
pollution, rudeness and traffic chaos.
"That's funny. Or is it sad?"
My six words, haha.